If I’m in love. -always
Who the last person I talked to on the phone.-grans
How long it’s been since I’ve kissed.-3 weeeks, dying "
wish that I was anywhere with anyone makingout"If I have a preference for boys or girls.-love
How many holes I have in my ears.-7
Give me any options, like ‘hot or cold?’-medium
The last person I said ‘I love you’ to.-grans
The last person I hugged.-ew, i cant remember how terrible
The last time I felt jealous, and why.-dont recall
How old I am.-24
What my full name is.-harmony nichole baumhoff
If I have siblings.-one, named vinchinzo
If I forgive betrayal.-on to the next
What kind of music.- lately nonstop la dispute/drizzy
What the last party I went to. -beamdawgs big 30th
Tell one of my curiosities.-how its made, loove that show
2 habits.-paintnails, chipnails
5 things I love unconditionally.-beang, family, organizing, friends, & being inlove
How many texts I send daily.-ohhh like 949057375938 a bunch
3 big dreams.-be a great: home ec teacher, travel a lot, a lot
An idol.-vicki everhart
Have I done something I regret very much.-it happens sometimes
Do I like my town and why.- "whats idaho? ohhh iwoa!"