Saturday, September 17, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
ive got your life in my hands and your love in my heart

when the person you’re hugging whispers niceness into your ear
standing in a sweaty crowd singing every word letting the music carry you
the smell of a library book
being a thinker not a talker
the smell of someone else on your clothes
boys half smiles
big big buns on the tip top of your head
crepes in paris
hand written letters
getting a deal
the smell of basil, nothing fresher
good vibes
getting sucked into late night infomercials
old movie mondays
talking for hours when it feels like minutes
being in the tub
when the laugh is funnier than the joke
smiling for a picture so long it actually captures a REAL smile
spiders in jars
striking your match
melting into each other
relationships worth the fight
having things to be proud of
when you can see peoples bottom teeth as they talk
speaking cursive
lauryn hill