Name: Harmony Nichole Baumhoff
Birthday: 09/08/1987
Birthplace: Boise, Idaho
Eye Color: Reddish brown like my Grandma Jelly

Height: 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
Animals: I have one fat goldfish named Pencil, a snail named Marshell, and the cutest Boston Terrier named Bean (soon I'm getting chickens!)
What I Wore Today: Coat- Guess/Jacket- Lauren Conrad/Beetle Dress- H&M/ Gold Necklace- Vintage/ Tights- Nordstrom's/ Boots-Chinese Laundry
Right Handed or Left Handed: RIGHT, my mum is left
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Go back to college to be a Home-EC Teacher.
Your Most Overused Phrase: probably OMG
One Of Your Favorite Things: Big HUGE butts

Your Best Physical Feature: I like my collars
Your Most Missed Memory: circa 2005
Chocolate or Vanilla: SWIRL!

Cappuccino or Coffee: straight black coffee
Do you Shower Daily: I like tubs
Do you want to get Married: oh, one day (:

Food: Sushi

Number of Tattoos: Trois
Favorite Eye Color: Green is the prettiest.