Saturday, April 30, 2011

a displayed visualization

i love Masha Krasnova Shabaeva's work, check it out!

Friday, April 29, 2011

list of loves


The way cats wash thier faces with their paws

People who aren’t afraid to dance, even if they really can’t dance

Missing you even when you’re right in front of me because I know you’ll be leaving soon

Getting dolled

Making the cutest things

All white everything

Inside jokes

Lyric texting

Riding horses, really fast

Holding hands with gloves on

Theme parties

Cooking things over fire

How tube tops on the right boobs never go out of style

Perfectly painted nails

Smelling your moms perfume on someone walking by

People who appreciate my coin collection


Laying in bed with my pets feeling like Dr. Dolittle

Having a green thumb

Making forts, even though I’m 23

Road trips

Feeling connected to old friends that you don’t hangout with anymore

Big hair, so big you can hide things in it

When a dog looks at you from the corner of his eye

New shoes that make you feel like you have new feet

Thursday, April 28, 2011

you yellow belly scaredy cat!

HOlla back, I get to go pick up my chickens on Friday! I'm so sunny to start my garden and chickies, this summer will be terribly refreshing.

"Am I eating chicken or tuna?"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

forensic fairy tale

Pushing Daisies was on ABC, its a comedy drama about a pie-maker gifted with the mysterious ability to bring dead things back to life by touching them. The characters are dressed up so amazingly nice, the style is almost from a perfect fairytale and the backgrounds look like illustrations. aw, inlove.
watch it on netflix homies.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

it was extra bomb.

saw STARFUCKER at NUEROLUX the other night, &&&& they were soooo good! come again :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

recycled furniture.

i wouldn't mind having that table made of money hahah but with EARTHDAY on all of our minds, this is a great way to stay environmentally friendly friends.
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